
Mayor & Board of Trustees
The Town of Kersey is governed by an elected Mayor and six elected Trustees.
Town Departments
Access contact information for the different town departments and their employees.
Kersey Well User Association (KWUA)
Many properties in Kersey have wells and well water that is pumped out of the ground must have an augmentation plan to return water to the the South Platte River. The Kersey Water Users Association (KWUA) is a 501(c)(3) five-member board established in 1981 to over see the operation of the association of well users in Kersey. They provide augmentation water, from water shares purchased from Greeley Irrigation Company and Riverside Reservoir, for both summer and winter augmentation. The water they purchase replaces priority depletion to the South Platte River for the use of KWUA wells. For a complete history of KWUA and contact information click the title above.